Freestyle Accounting is regulated by the ACCA Freestyle Accounting is regulated by the ACCA
Freestyle Accounting - We’re Regulated so You’re Protected.
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We’re Regulated so You’re Protected.

If you’re considering going Limited but are concerned about what’s involved, then this guide is for you…

Our free guide covers everything you need to know about setting up your own Limited Company for Contracting, including:

  • The “Top 10″ things you need to know before going Limited
  • What is IR35 and are you affected by it?
  • Umbrella vs. Limited Company – how to keep more of YOUR money

Plus, you’ll also get specific advice on…

  • How to get your Limited Company setup (checklist)
  • What expenses you can legitimately claim through your company
  • What records you need to keep & how to make it simple
  • How VAT registration can actually increase your “take home” pay

To get all this valuable information and advice, simply enter your name and email in the form opposite and we’ll send you your free guide immediately.


Freestyle Accounting – Limited Company Contracting Made Easy!

024 7642 6360