Freestyle Accounting is regulated by the ACCA Freestyle Accounting is regulated by the ACCA
Freestyle Accounting - We’re Regulated so You’re Protected.
Reviews and Ratings for Accountant Kathryn Houliston, London
We’re Regulated so You’re Protected.

Freestyle Accounting is accredited by IPSE & ACCAWhat is Freestyle Accounting all about?

We have a number of individual business values that are important to us; however it is their combined synergy that makes us unique and sets us apart from our competitors.

1. Transparency

As a 21st century accountancy practice, we understand that our customers want to know exactly what they will be paying for accountancy services. Traditionally, accountancy services have been charged on an hourly rate which makes it difficult to budget for these services. That’s why we’ve instilled transparency as one of our core business values; providing services for a fixed one-off or monthly fee with no hidden charges or exclusions guaranteed! 

2. Freedom

We understand that setting up and running a limited company can be hard work, especially with all the administration and extra work that it brings. For this reason we have developed an accountancy service to free contractors, freelancers and small businesses from having to deal with the administration of the business. For a fixed monthly fee our experienced team of accountants will provide a truly comprehensive service, giving you the freedom to concentrate on doing what you do best and also to make sure your spare time really is yours.

3. Simplicity

Our Freedom and Simplicity values go hand in hand. Our contractor accountant services will take away the admin burden, we also want to make life as simple as possible for you. This includes providing online systems which simplify the managing of your company; from recording expenses and chargeable hours online, through to generating invoices and viewing up to date live positions of your company’s finances.

4. Support

At Freestyle Accounting we have a customer focused team of qualified accountants and advisers dedicated to supporting you and your business. Our limited company contractor services are tailored to meet the specific needs of contractors, freelancers and small businesses, and unlike most accountancy practices ad hoc advice is available to our customers at no additional cost.

5. Trust

Freestyle Accounting are Chartered Certified Accountants and Tax Advisers with many years experience in the contracting and freelance industries. We have a strong customer base of contractors and small businesses that entrust us to help administer their business and provide expert advice when required.

If you would like any information on our contractor accountant services or require personal or business tax advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us on the number or email address below.

Contact a member of our team on 02476 426360, email or request a no obligation income illustration.

Freestyle Accounting – Limited Company Contracting Made Easy!

024 7642 6360