Freestyle Accounting is regulated by the ACCA Freestyle Accounting is regulated by the ACCA
Freestyle Accounting - We’re Regulated so You’re Protected.
Reviews and Ratings for Accountant Kathryn Houliston, London
We’re Regulated so You’re Protected.

Many of our clients recommend our accountancy service to their friends and colleagues. If you've arrived on this page then chances are someone has suggested you speak to us.

If you're thinking about setting up a limited company for contracting, or are unhappy with your current accountant, then we can help.

If you'd like to...

  • Legally keep more of your contracting income
  • Have everything done for you (no paperwork)
  • Pay a fixed monthly fee that includes everything

...then our Freestyle "everything done for you" service is just the ticket.

We really do take all the hassle out of contracting through a limited company and as Chartered Accountants, who specialise in helping Contractors, we are perfectly placed to help you maximise your contracting income.

Sounds Interesting? Then, why not complete the form opposite or call Jon on 02476 426360 to find out how much you could earn with your own Limited Company.

Still need convincing? Then why not read some of the testimonials from our existing clients or find out a bit more about the "everything done for you" service we offer.

How Much Could You Earn By Going Limited? Find Out Now…

Enter your details below for a personalised income illustration.

Freestyle Accounting – Limited Company Contracting Made Easy!