Freestyle Accounting is regulated by the ACCA Freestyle Accounting is regulated by the ACCA
Freestyle Accounting - We’re Regulated so You’re Protected.
Reviews and Ratings for Accountant Kathryn Houliston, London
We’re Regulated so You’re Protected.

Are you overwhelmed with everything you need to consider and unsure what to do first?

Do you have questions like:

  • How do I set up a Limited Company?
  • Is it the most tax efficient option for me?
  • How do I get paid with a Limited Company?
  • Am I caught by IR35 legislation?
  • What do I do first to get started?

Relax, we'll help you with everything… and get you off to a great start in your contracting career. We answer all your questions and take away all the complications and paperwork to make contracting through your own Limited Company stress-free and easy!

Our service is perfect for anyone just starting out in Contracting, because we provide all the guidance and support you need, both at the start and throughout your career.

How To Contract Through Your Own Limited Company

With our unique Contractor online portal, contracting through a Limited Company couldn't be easier. You simply create your client invoices, submit your expenses and then (thanks to our dedicated team of chartered accountants behind the scenes) the system will tell you how much you can pay yourself! It's as easy as that!

Why Choose Freestyle?

Stress-free & easy contracting

Maximise your contract income

We do your admin for you

Everything you need is included

Contractor specialist accountants

Pay nothing for 6 weeks

Unique money back guarantee

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Create client invoices on the online portal - Freestyle Accounting
Limited Company Contracting Made Easy - Freestyle Accounting


Submit your expenses on the online portal - Freestyle Accounting
Limited Company Contracting Made Easy - Freestyle Accounting


Issue dividends on the online portal - Freestyle Accounting

Find out more about our simple 1 – 2 – 3 process

Join Today and We’ll Do All This For You:

Get your Limited Company set up within a few hours!

Set up your bank account and register you with HMRC / PAYE / VAT

Get you set up a specialist tax-saving scheme

Make you as tax-efficient as possible

Remove any IR35 concerns by reviewing your contract

Provide you with access to our Professional Indemnity Insurance Partners who will offer you discounted cover.

Set you up with your own online portal to create invoices, submit expenses and see what you can pay yourself

Make contracting through your Limited Company stress-free and easy

Our Freestyle Contractor service includes all this (and more) for a fixed monthly fee. Read a full list of what’s included in the service.

Why Choose Freestyle?

The success of our business is attributable to the quality and comprehensive nature of the service we provide. We have helped hundreds of contractors, freelancers and consultants get started in their new career by making their transition from permanent employment easy. We take the hassle and admin burden of using a Limited Company away from you.

Still need convincing? Read the complete list of benefits Freestyle can offer you on our ‘Why Choose Freestyle?’ page.

Our clients love the Freestyle service!

” Can I just say thank you very much to all of you at Freestyle for all your help this year, it’s my first year of contracting and I don’t think I would have managed it half as well without Freestyle’s help and guidance….I really appreciate your support and am so glad that I signed up with Freestyle! "

(Jenni Stobbs, JASCO IT Ltd)

Read more client testimonials

We're Professional Qualified Accountants

We're Professional Qualified Accountants (ACCA)

As Chartered Certified Accountants we are regulated by our professional body (ACCA), have passed all professional exams, we attend regular training to keep our knowledge up-to-date and most importantly, we comply with the ACCA rules on ethics and maintain professional standards with clients.

Please be careful when choosing an accountant – cheaper accountants can mean that they are not qualified!

Advice on comparing accountants

We're Contractor Specialist Accountants

We're Accredited Accountants of the Independent Professionals and the Self Employed (IPSE) Association

As well as being Chartered Certified Accountants, we’'ve also passed the relevant exams to become Accredited Accountants of the Independent Professionals and the Self Employed (IPSE) Association.

This means we have demonstrated the specialist knowledge and expertise required to handle the accountancy affairs of contractors. Again, please beware of accountants without specialist Contractor knowledge and expertise, as they are unlikely to know the potential pitfalls of contracting.

Our Unique "Risk Free" Guarantee

“" If you join Freestyle and you’re not completely satisfied with our "everything done for you" service within the first 30 days, then let us know and we will refund your fee* "”

* You must provide the reason for your dissatisfaction in writing and within the first 30 days, explaining how we have failed to provide the level of service promised. If your Limited Company has already been formed we ask that you cover the fee of £125 + VAT for registering with Companies House and any IR35 reviews you have requested.

We also have our unique 'Service Guarantee' and 'Safety Net Guarantee' which you can read on our guarantees page.

Interested? Find Out What You Could Earn Today.

To enable us to answer all your questions and provide you with a personalised income calculation showing how much you’d earn through a Limited Company, please complete our enquiry form or call 02476 426360 and speak to a member of our friendly team.

Request your Free Income Illustration - Freestyle Accounting

Freestyle Accounting – Limited Company Contracting Made Easy!

024 7642 6360