When you start to accumulate business expenses they will need to be logged and sent to us so we can approve them. By this, we mean that we will verify that they meet HMRC guidelines for allowable expenses. You can send your expenses to us in a number of ways…
OPTION 1 – Submit Expenses via your Online Portal.
Log expenses on your online portal at this web address – https://portal.freestyleaccounting.com
Then send electronic copies or photo evidence of receipts to us via email: tax@freestyleaccounting.com
or by post to: (recorded delivery is advised)
Freestyle Accounting
8 Mercia Business Village
Torwood Close
OPTION 2 – Log Expenses using an Expenses App.
If you wish you can use an app like Expensify to log your expenses and then export a PDF that includes photo evidence of your receipts. This document can then be emailed to us at tax@freestyleaccounting.com.
OPTION 3 – Send your expenses to us through the Post.
Place all your receipts in an envelope and send them to the team (recorded delivery is advised) at the address below and we will log your expenses and approve them for you.
Freestyle Accounting
8 Mercia Business Village
Torwood Close